

"The MFW grant is special in that it recognizes an aspect of my work that is at the core of who I am and what I am trying to accomplish."—a grantee


In addition to continuing support from the estate of Barbara Deming, the Fund relies on general donations from those interested in sustaining women writers and artists. This past year over fifty percent of the Fund’s donors were former grantees. Often these donations are modest, but their support is vital.

Please consider making a donation. It's expensive to grow a creative vision, and even small gifts help. Grants from Money for Women have assisted creative women with the costs of supplies, time away from work, studio rental, research trips, and mailing expenses.

  • Your gift of $100 will provide funds for several contest fees, duplication costs, and postage for a writer sending out their work.
  • A gift of $500 can help defray living costs for an artist in order to finish their work for a show.
  • A gift of $1,000 can pay for uninterrupted time for work on a project.
  • But any amount helps!

Your donation makes a huge difference to us. It assures that we can maintain our annual level of grant-giving and that we can award all the best work we receive. Thank you for sustaining Money for Women as we approach fifty years of supporting creative women.


"Just back from an early morning swim. There was a tiny dog there, diving for stones – which she’d carefully bring back, one after another, to the shore. Wish they were new contributions for MFW. Little dog, find us another angel!"

—Barbara Deming, in a letter to a friend, June 28, 1981.


Some of our grant recipients are:

Sachiko Akiyama, Zelda Alpern, Selena Anderson, Judith Arcana, Mira Bartok, Lory Bedikian, Beverly Bell, Mary Jo Bole, Gayle Brandeis, Lois Cremins, Angie Cruz, Edwidge Danticat, Pat De Caro, Debra Dean, Stella Pope Duarte, Denise Duhamel, Cynthia Gaver, Jewelle Gomez, Kelle Groom, Harmony Hammond, Ghida Hamze-Sinno, Joy Harjo, Yona Harvey, Kathleen Holmes, Adele Leibowitz, Jan Heller Levi, Marisol Martinez, Shara McCallum, Judith McDaniel, Farnoosh Moshiri, Eileen Myles, Marie Myung-Ok Lee, Leslea Newman, Adrienne Oktenberg, Julia Older, Sharon Olinka, Emily Raboteau, Aleida Rodriguez, Evelyn Rogers, Willa Schneberg, Elena Schwolsky-Fitch, Laura Seftel, Faith Shearin, Erin Soros, Susan Stinson, Phyllis Stowell, Cheryl Strayed, Julija Sukys, Peggy Ann Tartt, Mary Ting, Natasha Trethewey, Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon, Valerie Wallace, Holly Wong, and Fran Zell.