
It's expensive to grow a creative vision, and even small gifts help. Grants from Money for Women have assisted creative women with the costs of supplies, studio rental, mailing expenses, research trips, relief from caregiving responsibilities, and temporary leaves from jobs.


will provide funds for contest fees, duplication costs, and postage for a writer sending out their work.


can help cover living expenses for an artist
while they finish their work for a show.


can secure a stretch of uninterrupted time
for work on a project.


can pay for a 2-3 week residency
to complete a manuscript.


will support an artist or writer
at our highest level of grant.

Any amount helps!

Donate via PayPal, Credit Card, or check made out to Money for Women, PO Box 717, Bearsville, NY 12049

In addition to annual support from the estate of Barbara Deming, the Fund relies on general donations from those interested in sustaining women writers and artists.  

Many of our donors are former grantees who have experienced firsthand the creative affirmation and personal recognition a grant bestows. Some contributors knew Barbara Deming during her life and have personal memories of her inspirational presence as a pacifist activist. Still other donors simply care about women and value the unique contributions feminist writers and artists make to our world.

Your donation makes a huge difference to us and to the artists and writers we fund. It assures that we can maintain our annual level of grant-giving and that we can award all the best work we receive. Thank you for sustaining Money for Women as we begin our sixth decade of supporting creative women.

Barbara Deming with trans activist with Marsha P Johnson and Kady Vandeurs (back). Intro 475 demonstration, NYC, 1973. Photo by Diana Davies, Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library.

  • I understood [receiving a grant] as a call to use my own resources to uplift and support similar artists as my own career progressed.

    —Melissa Febos, nonfiction, 2013

  • I’m honored to have joined the Deming Fund's chain of feminist writers and visual artists, and plan to pay it forward.

    —Sabrina Gschwandtner, visual art, 2020

  • The fact that the Deming Fund supports so many wonderful and diverse projects is deeply inspiring and worthy of philanthropic support.

    —Holly Wong, visual art, 2006

  • The MFW grant is special in that it recognizes an aspect of my work that is at the core of who I am and what I am trying to accomplish.

    – Grantee

  • Grants like these change lives. They are invaluable in keeping our literary garden vibrant and blooming.

    — Elise Atchison, fiction, 2013

  • Your gift of belief in the writing still to be done, the story yet to be told, is so valuable...I feel blessed by the generosity – financial and spiritual – of Barbara Deming’s legacy.

    – Grantee